Metaphysics: Aura
Welcome to Metaphysics: Aura!
Teacher: [DanClark]
Brief Outline:
1. What is the Aura?
2. Seeing an Aura
3. Aura Healing
What is the Aura?
Simply put, the aura is a field of energy emitted by all things.
(If you want to put this in a movie context, the aura is the 'force'.)
If we put a scientific spin on this: all matter is comprised of atoms, all atoms are electrically based (or have a potential energy stored within them) and it is the energy of the whole that is the aura.
Living things tend to have a greater aura than 'non-living' things. (I use the term non-living only because examples of the latter will be given later on in this course.)
Now we have a very basic knowledge of what the aura is, lets learn how to be able to ‘see’ it.
Seeing an Aura
There is no spell, or potion, or magic trick to see an aura. We all have ways of interpreting energy in various forms (ie. Sight, hearing, touch). All we now need to do is retrain our eyes to that level of energy. The actual information is there, we have just blocked it out as a type of background noise; similar to the way people who live in the city block out the sounds of traffic.
First look into a mirror, then change the point of focus from your body to a point ahead or behind your reflection.
If you are having difficulties changing your focus point try placing a small object between yourself and the mirror. Focus on the item, but observe yourself at the same time
You should see a blurred halo surrounding your body. This is your aura.
(Don’t worry about color, or intensity just yet. Those things will come in time, first you need to get used to ‘seeing’ the aura)
Now you're able to see an aura (I hope), next question would be: what do I do?
At this point, you have several options, each based upon personal beliefs and proficiancies.
Some people are natural healers; the type of person who often worry about friends, family and strangers. They are the ones who are always trying to help.
Others are more combative and/or secretive. These would use a more aggressive form of aura manipulation.
Aura Healing
Using the aura to heal is simple...and as with all simple things, it is difficult to explain how it can be done. (but I'll try!)
Everything has an energy field, living things have a field that is stronger and more fluid than inanimate things. each individual; with training; can manipulate his/her energy field to produce a desired result.
Let's look at some examples:
You have a cold. There is a living thing inside you causing unwanted reactions; in short your body is 'dirty' or 'contaminated'
. For this particular problem I would redirect my energy flow to remove or wash away the undesired element. (This begins to touch upon other beliefs such as Chakras).
Visualise the flow of energy as water(I choose water based upon my Zodiak sign. If you feel more comfortable you can use another element as your purifier).
The water flows from the soles of my feet up through my body and out past my head. I find that the choice of direction is important, as much as the visualisation itself. Life on this planet tends to grow upward, drawing strength from the ground and reaching for the heavens. For this reason I allow and direct the flow in the same direction as is its natural path.
Healing is also a state of mind, think of it as a visualisation for you body to understand. Healing is a physiological reaction to a specific stimuli.
- You cut yourself, you bleed, your body attempts to clot it, your cells begin to repair the wound.
Now understandably, that is a very simplistic view of how your body reacts to 'stimuli'.
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